- More comprehensive analysis and reporting across Non-Commercial and Contracted Business by operator facility, segments, product category or SKU
- Deeper, more timely “pulse” on performance via monthly scorecards and quarterly business reviews
- KPI development
- “White space” analysis
- Specific targets for sales and broker teams
- Market segment-specific initiatives
- Targeted new product introductions
- Rapid acquisition integration
Example: Our thorough and proven methodology helps target the best opportunities for growth, such as current customers who purchase small quantities or few items.
- Visibility and impact of “market movement’’ by operators among GPOs/FSMs
- Contract compliance analysis
- Identification of “double dip” risks
- Stable base monitoring (“same store sales”)
- Comprehensive North America view of performance
- Modern, secure, robust, and scalable database
- Easier and more rapid updates of source data and master files
- Simpler integration with industry and third-party systems and data (e.g., broker Customer Relations Management, operator demographics, etc.)
- Mobile or localized delivery of results and targets (via Tableau)
- Singular, controlled access and version management for users
Our Non-Commercial Segment training will provide your sales and marketing teams with detailed knowledge of the operator purchasing decision process, challenges and opportunities they face, and the role factors such as regulations, costs, labor, nutrition, and brands play in those decisions.
We offer the following segments training sessions, available online or in person: Healthcare, College and Universities, K-12 Schools, Business and Industry, C-Stores, and Hospitality.